RemUI Demo Cloner (Installation)

Please note that this documentation is for the users who do not have Moodle setup and want to replicate the RemUI Demo site for a quickstart. For exisisitng Moodle sites and user with Moodle site setup ready please skip to Edwiser RemUI Installation & Activation

For SQL users

The following instructions will show you how to install a fresh instance of Moodle, complete with Edwiser RemUI theme and plugins installed, all modules pre-configured, and extensive demo content.

Auto script installer (Ubuntu & Mysql only)

1. Please make sure the following server requirements are configured and available on your server:

  • OS Ubuntu and it’s Sudo user access (Root user)
  • Mysql greater than 8.0 aling with user access to create/import Database
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0
  • PHP extension sodium is required.
  • PHP extension exif is recommended.
  • PHP setting max_input_vars must be >= 5000. For further details, see Environment – max input vars.
  • PHP variants: Only 64-bit versions of PHP are supported. Note: Changed since 4.1.
  • Web server domain name and virtual hosts configuration pre-setup
  • SSL certificate (Optional)
  • Linux zip package must be installed.

Note: You can get in touch with your hosting provider to help you configure the server requirements mentioned above.

2. Once the server is configured as mentioned please follow the steps below:

Navigate to your server’s cpanel and click on terminal to open the command line interface

  1. Navigate to temp directory:

cd /etc/temp

2. Download the demo files by typing the following command on the terminal

wget <download_url>

Note: You can access the URL by downloading the Edwiser RemUI Demo Cloner file from the My-account page. For example: wget

Unzip the demo importer file by typing the following command:


Navigate to Importer diretory using the commad:

cd importer

Extract Installer by using the following commad:


Once the files are extracted, initiate the demo installation by typing the following command:


Once the execution for the above command is completed, you will be prompted to add few detailes. Please refer to the next section for the same.

3. Add important details:

Enter website address to be:

Does the domain has SSL certificate (Y/N)?

Type Y if SSL is installed or N of SSL is not installed

Enter Moodle HTML path


Enter Moodledata path


Note that the moodledata should be outside your web root. Moodle requires that the moodledata folder is not publicly accessible

Enter Database Name

Add you database name here. You may also be asked for DB username and Password

4. Login

Your RemUI demo installation is now complete. You can now login to your new RemUI website with the following administrator credentials.
→ Navigate to {}/login/index.php to login directly.
Username: admin
Password: Edwiser0-

5. Complete

Your installation of RemUI is officially complete! Please don’t forget to change the administrator password first.

 For Non-SQL Users:

1. Download Demo Cloner Files:

  • Navigate to the Edwiser My-account page
  • Click on download button next to your purchase
  • Download the Demo Cloner Script File.

2. Create database

  • You must create a new database for your Moodle installation.
  • The database can be created via phpMyAdmin (as shown below), or via another database manager such as cPanel or Parallels Plesk.
  • You may also need to create a new database user, unless you plan on using an existing one

3. Populate Database

Import the SQL file, named downloaded into your new database.

4. Upload Files

  • Manually upload the Moodle HTML file to your web server. 
  • Upload the to your web server, outside your web root. Moodle requires that the moodledata folder is not publicly accessible.
  • Once uploaded, extract the archive using either cPanel, another administration interface, or command line.

5. Configure Config.php

  • Open the config.php file located in the Moodle root on your web server.
  • Edit the database name, user, and password to match the new database credentials you set
  • Change the website root to your website URL, or your localhost address (e.g. http://localhost/moodle, or http://localhost:8888/moodle)
    Note: This step is important. If you specify the incorrect web address your website will not display correctly.
  • Change the “dataroot” to match the location of the moodledata directory. This path should be relative to your server root.

6. Login

Your RemUI demo installation is now complete. You can now login to your new RemUI website with the following administrator credentials.
→ Navigate to {}/login/index.php to login directly.
PASSWORD: Edwiser0-

7. Complete

Your installation of RemUI is officially complete! Please don’t forget to change the administrator password first.

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