Edwiser RemUI Installation and Activation Video
How to download the theme files?
Download the theme from the link in your purchase receipt or from the Edwiser My account page.
If you are using Moodle 4.0 then you should be downloading Edwiser RemUI 4.0.x on it. Similarly, if you are using Moodle 4.1 then you should be installing Edwiser RemUI 4.1.x on it.
Once you download Edwiser RemUI, unzip/extract the downloaded zip file to get the theme and other supported plugin zip files. Edwiser RemUI 3.9.x, Edwiser RemUI 3.10.x, Edwiser RemUI 3.11.x contain eight files and Edwiser RemUI 4.0 & above contain nine files :
- Edwiser RemUI theme file (theme_remui.zip)
- Edwiser RemUI Homepage builder plugin (local_remuihomepage.zip)
- Edwiser RemUI Block plugin (block_remuiblcks.zip)
- Edwiser RemUI Course Format plugin (format_remuiformat.zip)
- Edwiser Importer (local_edwisersiteimporter.zip)
- Edwiser Page Builder (local_edwiserpagebuilder.zip)
- Edwiser Advance Block (block_edwiseradvancedblock.zip)
- Edwiser Page Builder Filter (Filter_edwiserpbf.zip)
- Edwiser Rating and Review (block_edwiserratinrgreview.zip)
Make sure the plugins are installed in the above-mentioned sequence only.
Note: If you are using Moodle version 3.8 and below then scroll to the bottom to find the available supported files and instructions.
Once you download the Edwiser RemUI (as per the suitable Moodle version), follow the below steps to install the theme on your Moodle site:
- Log in to your Moodle site as an admin and go to Administration → Site administration→ Plugins→ Install plugins.
- Upload the ZIP file. If your plugin is not automatically detected, you could be prompted to add extra details (in the ‘Show more‘ section).
- If your target directory is not writeable, you should see a warning message.
- Check the plugin validation report, to verify if the theme has been successfully installed.
Note: You have to install all the files available in the Main zip file to unlock all the features available in the theme. It is mandatory to update the theme file first and then update the rest of the files on your end.
If you are installing the plugins using FTP then the extracted zip folder should be copy-pasted to these locations.
- Edwiser RemUI theme will go to Moodle directory/theme/
- Edwiser RemUI Block plugin will go to Moodle directory/blocks/
- Edwiser RemUI Homepage builder plugin will go to Moodle directory/local/
- Edwiser RemUI Course Format plugin will go to Moodle directory/course/format/
- Edwiser Site Importer will go to Moodle directory/local/
- Edwiser Page Builder will go to Moodle directory/local/
- Edwiser Advance Block will go to Moodle directory/blocks/
- Edwiser Page Builder Filter will go to Moodle directory /filter/ (Filter_edwiserpbf.zip)
- Edwiser Rating and Review will go to Moodle directory/blocks/
How to activate/switch the Theme?
Follow the below-given steps to change the theme on your Moodle site.
- Log in as admin and go to Administration→ Site administration→ Appearance→ Themes→ Theme Selector
- Click on the ‘Clear theme caches‘ button (Note: This is an optional step. As per Moodle, some older versions of Moodle require you to click on the “Clear theme caches” button as a last step. Refer here: https://docs.moodle.org/311/en/Installing_a_new_theme)
- Click on the ‘Select theme‘ button on the right of the current theme being
- Scroll down to find Edwiser RemUI
- Click the ‘Use theme’ button next to Edwiser RemUI
- Moodle should tell you that the theme has been set as the default theme
- Check your Moodle site by going to the Moodle site’s home page
- You may have to refresh your browser to see the changes
- Enable JavaScript Cache from the Moodle settings (Site Administration > Appearance > AJAX & JavaScript > Enable Cache JavaScript) so that all the JavaScript related to the theme works fine.
How to activate the license key?
- To activate the license, go to Site Administration → Appearance → Themes → Edwiser RemUI → Information Center.
- Add your license key (From your purchase receipt or from the Edwise My-Account page license section) in the input box and hit the ‘Activate License‘ button.
- Once you activate a valid license, the site-wide license activation message will be disabled.
NOTE: Kindly make sure that the ” curl_exec ” PHP file is enabled in your Moodle server so that the license key gets activated without which you shall receive an “Invalid key” message.
For Moodle 3. 8 and lower versions of Moodle
Edwiser RemUI 3.5.x or Edwiser RemUI 3.6.x or Edwiser RemUI 3.7.x or Edwiser RemUI 3.8.x contains four files:
- Edwiser RemUI theme file (theme_remui.zip)
- Edwiser RemUI Block plugin (block_remuiblcks.zip)
- Edwiser RemUI Homepage builder plugin (local_remuihomepage.zip)
- Edwiser RemUI Course Format plugin (format_remuiformat.zip)
Edwiser RemUI 3.4.x and lower contains three files
- Edwiser RemUI theme file
- Edwiser RemUI Block plugin
- Edwiser RemUI Course Format plugin.