Edwiser Bridge Filter Hooks

Filter Hooks Description Parameters
eb_create_default_pages Use this hook to create pages on plugin activation.
eb_new_user_data Use this hook to add custom data to a user’s profile when an account is created on WordPress. $userdata
eb_unique_moodle_username Use this hook to filter the username used when a new account is created for a user on Moodle™. $username: Username already generated by the system for a user.
eb_filter_moodle_password The password is randomly generated if a user with an existing WordPress account is linked to Moodle. Using this filter a custom password can be set for user accounts. $random_password
eb_moodle_user_profile_details Use this filter to transfer additional profile field data from WordPress to Moodle. $userdetails: Profile details to be passed to Moodle for a user.
$update: To know if an existing user’s profile is being updated or a new account is created on Moodle.
$userdetails: In case of the profile being updated array should contain the moodle user id of a user.
eb_taxonomy_args_eb_course_cat Use this filter to modify arguments passed when creating course category taxonomy.
eb_register_post_type_courses Use this filter to modify arguments passed when creating a Moodle course post type
eb_register_post_type_order Use this filter to modify arguments passed when creating the course order post type.
eb_post_options This hook can be used to modify existing custom options added to post types or to add new fields.
eb_course_login_button Use this filter hook to modify the ‘Take this Course’ button displayed to non-logged in users. $login_button
eb_course_access_button Use this filter hook to modify the ‘Access Course’ button displayed on a single course page. $access_button
$access_params: Parameters that can be used to modify the button.
eb_course_closed_button Use this filter hook to modify the ‘Take this Course’ button displayed for courses where the course price type is closed. $closed_button
$closed_params: Parameters that can be used to modify the button.
eb_course_free_button Use this filter hook to modify the ‘Take this Course’ button displayed for courses where course price type is free. $free_button
$course id
eb_course_payment_button Use this filter hook to modify the ‘Take this Course’ button displayed for courses where the price is defined. $paypal_button
$payment_params: The parameters passed are course id and price.
eb_course_not_purchasable_notice Use this filter to display custom notice for courses that cannot be purchased. (This can happen if PayPal details are not entered in plugin settings or if course price type is not set.)
eb_get_template Use this hook to allow external plugins to filter plugin template files from their own plugin.
eb_login_redirect Use this filter to redirect the user to a custom location after login. $redirect: Default redirection URL
$user: Current Logged in User.
eb_registration_redirect Use this filter to redirect the user to a custom location after registration. $redirect: Default redirection URL
$user: Current Logged in User.
eb_get_settings_pages Use this filter to include the custom settings page class to define the custom plugin settings page. $settings: Array of registered settings classes.
ed_filter_email_parameters Use this filter to add custom parameters to emails being sent. $args: Existing parameters.
$tempalte_name: Name of email template to identify which email is being sent.
eb_email_headers Use this filter to add custom email headers for all emails being sent.
eb_new_user_email_subject Use this filter to modify email subject for email sent on user registration.
eb_existing_wp_user_email_subject Use this filter to modify email subject for email sent on linking an existing WordPress account with a new moodle user account.
eb_order_completion_email_subject Use this filter to modify email subject for email sent on order completion.
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