Moodle™ Website Configuration (for v1.4.3 to 2.0.9)

Edwiser Bridge version 1.4.3 to 2.0.9: Moodle Site Configuration Guide

NOTE: Make sure that your PHP is version 5.6 or greater (compatible with the latest PHP 7.3 too)

  • Go to your Moodle site > Site Administration > Plugins > Install plugins > Download and Install the Edwiser Bridge Moodle plugin. Find the download button below.
    Note: This is a Moodle extension of Edwiser Bridge Plugin and therefore it is supposed to be uploaded on the Moodle site and not on the WordPress site. Moodle plugin type is local for this plugin. Upload in the local folder if you are uploading this plugin using FTP in your Moodle environment.
  • After installing the plugin, upgrade your Moodle database (if needed). A ‘New Settings – Edwiser Bridge’ page will appear. Click on the ‘Click Here’ button.
EB Moodle setup 1 1
  • Once you click on the ‘Click here’ button, you will be redirected to the ‘Edwiser Bridge Settings’ page (see below screenshot). Enable the ‘Rest Protocol’, ‘Web Services’, ‘Allow extended characters in usernames’. These are necessary for the proper functioning of Edwiser Bridge. Do not forget to save changes.
EB moodle general settings
  • Go to the ‘Web service settings’ tab. Here you will be able to create a new web service for Edwiser Bridge. This web service is necessary for connecting WordPress and Moodle. After the creation of the new web service, you will see a pop-up consisting of the Moodle site URL and the token.
screenshot 2020.07.09 19 27 43

If you already have a web service, you can just select your old web service and click on ‘Update web service’. All the functions will get added to your old web service automatically.

EB moodle web service settings

Add your WordPress sites here to connect multiple WordPress sites to your single Moodle site (see below screenshot). You can add WordPress sites here multiple sites here.

EB moodle Wordpress settings

To activate the Two-way synchronization feature, it is important to check these checkboxes in the ‘Sync settings’ (see below screenshot). You can choose the WordPress site and according to your need, check the checkboxes.


In the ‘Summary’ tab you will be able to monitor if your web services and other settings are properly set up or not. If there is some issue with the following, it will show as an error over here and you will be able to detect it and make the appropriate changes.

EB moodle summary settings
  • Copy the URL and token and paste it into your WordPress site. Go to your WordPress backend > Edwiser Bridge > Settings > Connection settings. Paste the Moodle URL and token and click on ‘Test Connection’. The connection should be established.
  • That’s it! Edwiser bridge has been successfully configured on your Moodle and WordPress end. You can directly move to the ‘Synchronization Options’ tab on your left in the documentation to synchronize the courses.
screenshot 2020.07.09 19 39 17

Note: Please be advised in order to Create & link Registered User’s from the WordPress site automatically to the Moodle site, kindly use Edwiser Bridge’s user profile page. The shortcode that displays the user profile page is [eb_user_account]

( For already registered WordPress users, you have to navigate to WordPress backend > Users and click on Link to Moodle account )

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