Form Management

Once you have completed the previous step you will be redirected to “View All forms” page where all the forms that were created will be listed.

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1.1 – Manage Section

  • Click on the Toggle icon to “enable or disable” a form.
  • Click on Table icon to access list of entries that has come through the particular form.
  • Click on Eye icon to preview the form.
  • Click on the Edit icon to edit the already created form.
  • Click on the Share icon to export the form entries in CSV format.
  • If you wish to delete the form then you could click on the bin icon to delete the form completely.

1.2 – Embed form anywhere on your Moodle™ site

Click on the Shortcode section next to any form.

Automatically the shortcode will be copied and you can now add this shortcode to any HTML field or block anywhere on your Moodle site.

Simply follow these steps to add the shortcode,

  • Go to any page of your Moodle site > Turn editing on the page,
  • Click on “Add a block” button,
  • You could select “HTML block” from the list of blocks that are available,
  • Inside the HTML block you can add the shortcode as part of the editor.
  • Once done you could save changes and this will display the form in that region.

Before adding the shortcode in a HTML region make sure that you have enabled it so that it will reflect on the said region.

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