All You Need to Know about Student-Centric Learning

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The past few hundred years have seen us follow traditional teaching methods called as ‘teacher-centred learning’.

Traditional methods put teachers in the primary role as being the main source of knowledge. The whole process begins with a teacher giving out lessons, pointing out important areas, curating a quiz that tests how much a student has grasped and ends with assessing each of them individually.

teacher centred learning

Here, all the active parts are played out by the tutor and the learners take a backseat.


the focus is shifting gradually, from the teacher to the student.


A recently coined term “student-centred learning” is creating all the buzz and you need to know why.

Sure, you might say that teacher centred learning has more pros than cons because we tend to trust more in an educated adult who has planned the curriculum in a systematic manner. Yet why are most schools and eLearning institutes looking to adapt a student-based approach to all their courses?


The main difference…

between these two methods is that one has a more formative form of assessment (student-centric) and the other is a summative form (teacher-centric).

The formerly used practices are rigid and confine the student within a time-frame. It does not take into account that each child needs a different amount of time to totally grasp a concept or conceive an obscure idea. For some students, books aren’t imaginative enough and rote learning is not helpful to retain facts.

This is exactly where teacher-centred learning falls behind- every learner, every child has different needs.


student-centred learning

Here’s how Student-Centred Learning comes into the picture

It emphasises more on discovering and honing the likes, interests and skills of every individual. Here the teacher is present in the form of a guide to steer them in the right direction of thought.


These practices are meant to encourage lifelong retention of knowledge and practical application in everyday life.


This idea also runs on the lines of Experiential Learning which does not defy traditional methods but simply aims to improve them.

Experiential Learning is a comparatively new term which defines giving freedom to students to analyse and explore the best suitable learning option for them. The teacher provides a learning environment and the tools required to achieve a certain result. The purpose of this practice is to imbibe lessons through experience rather than preaching theories and dumping facts.


student-centred learning

Owing to this belief Edwiser RemUI has perked up the dashboard in it’s latest update and made it completely student-centric. To aid the self-learning process we eased the task of manually searching for course related updates.

Now, all information like pending quizzes, tasks or activities is available on the dashboard, ready to be completed at leisure. This makes learning easier for a student who only needs to focus on the courses and not on keeping up with dates and timelines.


To know more about this well-thought and executed change, check out RemUI’s latest update that redefines student-centric learning.

Stay tuned to this blog for more on eLearning.


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4 thoughts on “All You Need to Know about Student-Centric Learning”

  1. Avatar of David Leasure

    Thank you for this important reminder! Student centric is a long time coming, but made easier by technology. Thank you also for putting these features into RemUI.

    I write about student centered learning on my blog and use RemUI on my connected moodle platform and edwiser bridge for the connection. I so appreciate your products.

    I’m looking forward to the evolution, and I think you all are supporting it, into personalized learning where students can use their platforms as a communication and progress tracking tool while creating learning of interest and value to them.
    All my best,
    David Leasure

    1. Avatar of Rucha Gotarkar

      Thank-you so much, David. Your words of encouragement have really boosted our spirit and given validation to our efforts. We are happy to have come up with something which is valuable in the field of education. We would love to carry the conversation ahead on email!

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