Why You Need a Custom Checkout Page for Selling Courses

woocommerce checkout

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We know how important it is to understand your customer when you are starting out with an eLearning site of your own.

checkout form

Without the knowledge of how a customer’s brain reacts, what clicks with them and what remains in the memory, you cannot design a website, nor the content that goes up on it.

To expect Return on Investment you need to find the right time and the right questions to ask the visitor. Data is derived from every person that lands on your website via organic searches or exterior links because these leads have landed on the page on their own will.

Getting more out of the short attention span and limited patience of a customer on your eStore is not really difficult. You can custombuild your checkout form in a way that it asks for all the background information that a person will otherwise be unwilling to give.


While selling Moodle™ courses via WooCommerce, you have plenty of options for choosing the perfect checkout form editor to suit your needs. WooCommerce Checkout for Digital Goods, WooCommerce Checkout Manager, Checkout Form Editor are a few examples of free and paid extensions which you can easily install.


Now, what can you possibly do with a form customizer?

For a superior user experience, ensuring customer loyalty and to create valuable product courses you need to first understand, study and relate to your customers. A checkout form is something every buyer needs to fill before completing a transaction. You can utilise this opportunity to do your bid and get the most out of that form.

Since online courses are digital goods, you can reduce the number of mandatory fields (like shipping details) by a large number and instead use the space to ask relevant questions (like feedback).

woocommerce checkout form

For instance, if a buyer buys ten courses in bulk using the bulk purchase extension, a form asks about the buyer’s profession and the number of students they’re going to reach with the courses. In a linked Google spreadsheet, you will come to know where your courses are being sold and for what purpose.

Likewise, you can create an entire database of your customers based on:

1. What is the demographic of your customers (to observe the sale of courses as compared to different age groups and sexes)

2. Which courses are more popular and why (to know what is more favoured by learners and accordingly encourage and boost those courses and course authors)

3. From which part of the country or continent is a particular course selling out more (to increase visibility on those sites)

4. How often does the buyer land on your website? (Useful for network building; loyalty points can be given to a frequent buyer)

5. Are these buyers satisfied with the quality and range of courses (feedback)

6. Which institute, university or organisation does the buyer represent

7. How many employees or students is the buyer responsible for (to evaluate the number of end users of a course)

8. How did the customer come to know about your website (recommendation, advertisement, blog- to know where you are getting maximum exposure from, and which channel needs more effort)

9. Would they be willing to subscribe to your blog (subscribers get benefits like instant updates about new courses and free trials)

10. What are the challenges they currently face in their training program (survey for analysing common issues and correcting them in given time)

woocommerce checkout form

We have listed down some basic form fields you can go ahead with, but how optimally you customize your checkout form is completely upto you.
The possibilities are vast, make the most of your Woocommerce-Moodle Integration extension to make your eLearning business user-centric and scale it to new heights.

“A site made well is the most important investment in the long run.”

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