Your Favourite Edwiser Products, Now More Value for Money

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If you have been following Edwiser closely, you would have noticed the recent increase in the price of Edwiser RemUI.

An increase in price is never taken kindly, we’d have questions too if this were happening to us. But we have good reasons to do so.

And before you start labeling us, we’d like to present to you our side of the story.

Let me be honest, we got tired…  

of doing the same things, like everyone else.

And why not! After all, what’s the fun in following the herd?

With an intention for Edwiser RemUI to be the best among the rest, we competed with other themes, by coming up with better and enhanced versions of what they had to offer.

But over time, we realized it wasn’t working for us. Something was surely missing.  

So, we decided…

Why not compete against ourselves?

To set new benchmarks, and try and raise that benchmark to the next level, over and over again.

Problems became challenges, their solutions paved the way for newer and tougher challenges, and the zeal to keep improving, got us hooked.

We started working more…

Newer challenges meant a higher need for solutions. More problem-solving ideas meant the extra work that would go in, ensuring we come with standout solutions.

The first in this new competition was the introduction of a dedicated Course Formats Plugin. After realizing the huge number of Moodle™ users who wanted to use our Card & List Course formats on their theme, we decided to make the Edwiser Course Formats plugin theme-independent and free for use.

Doing this not just involved a lot of thought and expertise, but also meant extra efforts and time going into this experiment. Even though we came across compatibility issues while doing so, our commitment to deliver an enhanced Moodle experience across themes for you, was enough to overcome the challenges.

Let’s talk about the journeys…

The journey of Edwiser Course Formats plugin, right from the very start of it, took us around 200 hours in total.

Moving on, in our Moodle journey so far with Edwiser RemUI, we realized how important a homepage was, even for a Moodle site. So we thought, wouldn’t it be so good if we could come up with a solution that let you customize your homepage the way you like it to be?

And that was that. We started working on the thought, and after more than 600 hours of innovation, sweat, and determination, Edwiser RemUI Homepage Builder took birth.

You might be wondering now…

How do these justify the increased prices?

If you would look at it from a business perspective, every innovation, every brand new solution obviously requires creativity. But what it also requires is the time and efforts going in, to bring the idea to life.

And for any business to sustain itself, it is crucial that any extra efforts or time get monetized.

If we just consider Edwiser Course Formats plugin & Edwiser RemUI Homepage Builder, it took us more than 1000 hours of ideation and development, in addition to what we usually spend on Edwiser RemUI.

So, What’s Next?

What looks like increasing prices to someone, is actually an upgrade in our offerings for you. Improved solutions, with a much higher value for money.

Be it coming up with 2 new intuitive course formats for your Moodle, or be it empowering you to design your dream homepage, within the same theme – Edwiser RemUI.

For us, curbing innovation isn’t an option. We’re committed to coming up with better and more enhanced solutions for your Moodle. With every new solution or update, we have made sure you get the best possible Moodle experience with Edwiser.

And we’re surely not stopping here. We’ll continue innovating and moving towards ensuring a never-before Edwiser experience for you on Moodle.

Until next time, keep Moodling with Edwiser. 🙂

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