Prerequisite settings

Moodle™ version should be 4.0 or above. Edwiser Reports Pro is optimized for small to medium-sized institutions with up to 1000 users. If you have a larger user base, please contact us to discuss custom development options

Note: All the Configuration mentioned below is expected to be done before installing the plugin so that the plugin can fetch data from your Moodle site to display on Edwiser Reports Dashboard.

  1. Enable Cron Job on your Moodle™ site to be executed every minute. The data will be refreshed and added to the reports dashboard as per the Cron configuration. The reference link to set up the Cron job is available here:
  2. Enable activity completion and course completion in the course so that the plugin can fetch activity and course completion reports.
    The reference link for setting up activity completion:
    The reference link for setting up course completion:
  3. The certificate stats block in Edwiser Reports is dependent on the Custom certificate Moodle plugin. Please install this on your environment as well:
  4. Theme designer mode should be disabled and Cache js should be enabled.
  • Site Administration -> Appearance -> Themes -> Theme settings: Theme designer mode
  •  Site Administration -> Appearance -> AJAX and Javascript: Cache Javascript

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