Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
-Leonardo da Vinci
Even better, if the most advanced of things come simplified. Right?
After all, that’s what Edwiser Bridge has been doing for you, with its stand-out offering Edwiser Bridge Single Sign-On, for quite some time now.
Note: This plugin is now a part of the premium version of Edwiser Bridge – Edwiser Bridge PRO
So, what exactly is Edwiser Bridge?
There was always a need felt for integrating Moodle™ with WordPress.
Edwiser Bridge makes it possible.
With Edwiser Bridge, you can synchronize Moodle Courses and users with WordPress.
Furthermore, as a course creator, if you want to monetize your Moodle Courses easily. Edwiser Bridge comes with many unique features and extensions packed in its upgraded version – Edwiser Bridge PRO
This all-in-one e-commerce solution includes WooCommerce Moodle Integration, Selective Synchronization, Bulk Purchase, and one stand-out extension: Edwiser Bridge Single Sign-On.
What does Single Sign-On do?
Entering login credentials more than once gets annoying, doesn’t it?
Catering to this problem, Edwiser Bridge certainly makes a breakthrough.
Edwiser Bridge Single Sign-On gives end users an option to enter login credentials only once on WordPress, to simultaneously sign-in to Moodle as well.
Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s move onto the specifics…
Automatic Redirection
When your student logs in to WordPress and purchases a course, he will not have to log in again to Moodle.
Your student will automatically get redirected to Moodle Courses page.
Automatic Redirection makes a student’s login experience easier with another functionality.
Usually, when someone logs in to a website, he is taken to a specific page. Here, you can decide the moodle page you want to redirect your users to.
eg: dashboard, site home, my courses, course archive, user profile, etc
User Role based Redirection
What if you want different types of users to be redirected to different pages?
Single Sign-On lets you decide which user-role will see which page first, after being redirected from WordPress User-Accounts page.
Hence, you can redirect different user instances to different pages.
Eg: On one instance, you might want to redirect a subscriber to the course page and on another, to the dashboard.
Social Login
Last on the list, but certainly the modern-day functionality. Social Login!
So you visit a website for the first time. You find something interesting in it. But the moment you want to engage, a popup comes up “Login/Signup”.
Ah, then begins the same old long process of creating an account. But not if you have Single Sign-On!
Now, instead of using email id for authenticating and creating user credentials, a user can directly login using FB and/or Google IDs.
The Takeaway
The most recent update to Edwiser Bridge Single Sign-On has seen some considerable fixes and upgrades.
With 1400+ happy patrons on board and counting, Edwiser Bridge Single Sign-On is definitely the WordPress Moodle Sign-On solution to go for! So, upgrade to Edwiser Bridge PRO today!
1 thought on “Single Sign-On: Your One-Stop Moodle™ WordPress Login Solution”
Just curious — how long have you guys had this single sign-on option?