Add Custom Fields – Settings for WordPress

Add custom fields to Edwiser Bridge’s registration page, WooCommerce registration, and checkout page. (Available for WooCommerce Integration plugin version 2.2.1 & Edwiser Bridge version 2.2.6 and above.)

Follow the instructions to add Custom fields and synchronize the same to Moodle™ site.

Navigate to the WordPress site > Edwiser Bridge > Custom User Fields > Add Field > Field Settings


A)      Text – Allows users to add information in the form of plain text.

B)      Number – Allows users to add information in the form of numbers.

C)      Textarea – Allows users to add brief information in the form of plain text.

D)      Select – Allows the user to select the option from the drop-down list will help you collect user inputs. Upon selection, it will add additional settings below the Class named as Options. Option Value should resemble the value in Moodle user profile fields.

E)      Checkbox – It is a standalone checkbox option. For recording user’s input. For Example, some common phrasing you’ll often see with the checkbox option includes: “I agree to the Terms and Conditions” or “I agree to the Privacy Policy” “I have read and agree to the Terms” or “I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy” “I accept the Terms of Service” or “I accept the Privacy Statement”

1) Name – It should resemble the Moodle user profile field’s short name. 

Important! When entering the Short Name of the User Profile, make sure the name is short and one word.


sQ4 H5fF3KAAEQAKvZePP0ZZH3XbqolNImFndIJQYTdF4 7iisBlt6poyULkny2TbFgpJNDoD8y7sQmwpOPYizbPz2j6rsafe JHMRNk rn2kwmU7h55ktsKYMDRFiwY92uF4QGV


2) Label – You may add a classifying text for the field.

3) Class Can be used to apply unique formatting to the field.

4) Enabled – The custom field will be only displayed if this setting is checked.

5) Required Will make the field mandatory for the user to respond to it.

6) Sync on Moodle – Only when checked will sync the information on Moodle.

7) Show on Woocommerce My Account Page – If enabled, it will display the custom field on the WooCommerce Account page. Please ensure the WooCommerce account page is integrated with Edwiser solution.

8) Show on the Edwiser User Account Page – If enabled, it will display the custom field on the Edwiser Bridge Account page.

9) Display on Woocommerce registration page – If enabled, it will display the custom field on the WooCommerce Registration Page.

10)  Display on Edwiser registration page – If enabled, it will display the custom field on Edwiser Bridge’s Registration Page.

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