Moodle™ 3.11 Update – What’s new + Compatibility with Edwiser RemUI

Moodle 3.11 Update - What's new + Compatibility with Edwiser RemUI

Table of Contents

This is what I love about Moodle™!!

They’re always UPGRADING 😀

Moodle 3.11 has been released. And I’m excited to tell you what’s new and interesting in it!

But before that, let me also tell you that our theme, Edwiser RemUI, is also fully compatible with this latest version of Moodle. 

This ensures that design and functionality go hand in hand!

Now, let’s look at the update in little more detail. 

Moodle™ 3.11 Features

#1 Display all student activity completion details in one place

Students can now schedule their studies better with this feature. This way, they can have a better understanding of how they’re progressing through the course.

The new student activity completion lets you 

  • Show the completion criteria, opening dates and due dates for all Moodle activities on a course, both on the course page and from within each activity
  • Help your learners easily know which tasks and assignments are done and what to focus on next at a glance
  • Set the completion criteria for automated activities. So, your students won’t be able to tick them off until they’ve completed all the specified requirements such as  (e.g. ‘Answer a question’, ‘Read file’)
  • Enable learners to themselves tick off the activities with manual completion from both the course page and from the activity itself – so that they can then click on ‘Next activity’  right away and continue with their learning without interruption.
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#2 Check accessibility of your courses

To meet accessibility standards, the Brickfield Accessibility Starter Toolkit has now been incorporated into Moodle LMS. This toolkit can do a bunch of amazing things like:

  • Automatically evaluate your course content and assessments for accessibility issues
  • Provide your students with content in accessible formats such as Audio, ePub and Electronic Braille etc
  • Automatically fix out of date HTML tags
  • Identify which activities have the most accessibility issues and MORE

With this integration, you’ll now be able to:

  • Automate analysis of Moodle courses against a set of common accessibility rules, checking the content inside all of Moodle’s core activities. 
  • Get a detailed report using the Accessibility Starter Kit with a list of all detected accessibility errors
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  • Analyze a heatmap within the report that enables course creators to identify course sections that have accessibility issues to be fixed

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  • Break down all the issues by type of content or type of activity
  • See all errors displayed on a list with direct links, so you can easily navigate to their location and fix them
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This is great to provide insights on the overall accessibility of your courses and spot the areas requiring improvement.

#3 Improvements in the Quiz activity

This update packs several improvements to the Moodle Quiz activity for both course creators and students.

It includes the following:

  • A new settings retention feature to create quiz questions with specific settings that can be saved and automatically applied to the next question
  • A new word count feature for Essay questions to let you set maximum and minimum word limit for answers (Learners will be notified in case they fail to meet the prescribed word limit)
  • With a plagiarism detection plugin installed, you can check answers to Essay questions for plagiarism

#4 Improvements in H5P

Improvements in H5P, include:

  • An option to create ‘unlisted’ H5P content 
  • This content won’t show up in the Content bank until you decide to make it public to other teachers

#5 Certification made easy

Moodle 3.11 supports Open Badges v2.1, the latest standard for Digital Badges developed by IMS. So, you can easily certify your learners for course completions with these badges. 

#6 Easy customization of user profile fields

Learner data collection and processing have become even better now with the Moodle 3.11 update. You can now completely customize user profile fields and lesser-used hard-coded fields have been removed.

#7 Control audio/video playback speeds

You can also change the audio and video playback speed with VideoJS, Moodle’s integrated media player. With this, you can easily select the playback rate for video and audio files.

Apart from this, the update also offers support for Shared Drives in the Google Drive repository.


It’s a happy-happy announcement, isn’t it?? ??

So, let’s hope to continue with the same zeal moving forward.

A decent number of users prefer using an updated theme that goes well with the latest version of Moodle.

And we give exclusive priority when it comes to Moodle updates.

So, Edwiser RemUI is 100% compatible with Moodle 3.11!!

In fact, for more flexibility in the design and customization of Moodle pages, we’ve introduced new features such as the Demo Importer and the Page Builder in the theme which are also fully compatible with the update. You might wanna check it out 🙂

Now, why not upgrade Moodle and also check out the updated version of Edwiser RemUI? ?

1 thought on “Moodle™ 3.11 Update – What’s new + Compatibility with Edwiser RemUI”

  1. Avatar of ImoForpc

    Ah, great to hear that Moodle 3.11 is now compatible with Edwiser RemUI theme! This is exactly what I was looking for. As a user of both platforms, I can’t wait to see how seamlessly they integrate. Will this update improve the overall user experience? Can’t wait to find out!

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